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Ohio Valley Basketweavers' Guild ByLaws
Established January, 1990  Revised 7/13/2023





The name of this non-profit organization shall be OHIO VALLEY BASKETWEAVERS' GUILD, LLC Established January 4, 1990. Domestic limited liability Company (Ohio LLC) Filed on April 22, 2022. The logo for the guild shall be as shown above.



The purpose of this organization shall be to perpetuate the historic art of basketry.



Membership is open to those with a willingness and interest to learn, promote, and share their skills and creativity in the art of basketry. Prior experience is not required. Prospective members will fill out the Membership Application Form and return it to the Membership Chair Board member.


The membership year shall be January-December of each year. To participate in a class sponsored by the guil , you must be a member of the Ohio Valley Basketweavers' Guild or pay an additional fee as a guest.


Members must be and remain in good moral standing as determined by the Board. Good moral standin includes but is not limited to acts of dishonesty, theft, misappropriation of funds or property, moral turpitudJ, or any other action that is detrimental or unacceptable. Violation of this standing may result in a unilater 11 termination of membership and appropriate legal action.



  • Failure to pay dues is cause for termination of membership_  The member can rejoin the guild by payin

dues+ late fee ($25) in the same year or by rejoining the following January and paying normal dues of $2 .

  • A member may lose good standing status and have membership terminated for conduct detrimental to th Guild and/or not following the rules of membership set forth in these bylaws. If a member loses their membership due to loss of good standing, they will not be allowed to rejoin the Guild. The following proces's for loss of good standing membership termination will be followed: I

    • Step 1: A written proposal from a current member requesting the termination of another member mu t be received by the President of the Board with specific facts and circumstances justifying the reque,s. The President will present the proposal to the Board. The affected member is not notified of otenti I action at this time.


  • Step 2: The Board will vote on whether there is sufficient justification to proceed with the terminatio request. Five out of seven votes are required for the motion to carry.

    • If the Board votes there is not sufficient justification to proceed with the request, the complainanlt is notified. The affected member is never notified.

    • If the Board votes that there is sufficient justification to proceed with the request, the affected member is notified of the request for membership termination.

    • The affected member will be given the opportunity to discuss the complaint, in writing or verbally , with the Board. After the Board has heard the affected member's account of circumstances, or if the member declines to discuss the circumstances, the Board will hold another vote on whether r not to proceed with termination actions. Five out of seven votes are needed for the motion to carry.

    • If the Board votes that there is not sufficient justification to proceed with the termination request, the complainant and the affected member are notified that no action will be taken. If the Board votes that there is sufficient justification to proceed with the request, the complainant and the affected member are notified.


  • Step 3: The proposal must then be sent in writing (with a self addressed/stamped envelope) by th President via postal mail to the membership at large requesting a closed ballot vote on th recommendation. Note, ballots will not include the name of the member casting the vote. Membe 1s choosing to vote must return their ballot via postal mail (post marked by the deadline date) to th e President. A majority vote of members responding by the deadline date will carry or deny the motion1 . If the initial membership vote results in a tie vote, the Board will hold a separate Board member close ballet vote which will determine the outcome. All members will be advised of the vote outcome.



The dues for the Guild shall be $20 per annum. Annual membership dues shall be set by the general membership and adopted by a quorum of the general membership during a meeting. Dues are to be paid to the Treasurer by February 1st of each fiscal year (January 1 to December 31). If a member has not paid dues by the end of February, the cost increases to $25. If the dues are not paid by March 31, themember is no longer in good standing and will terminate membership. Lifetime members are defined as members since inception in 1990 and do not pay annual dues. If a member joins during the fiscal year after February 1, they will pay the annual dues without late fees. If a membership is terminated by the member or via the Guild termination process, no refund of guild dues will be issued.



The gatherings of the guild will be defined by the Board and communicated to the membership in a timely fashion.

The Guild Board will meet at a minimum of twice annually on dates scheduled by the President. Notes frof themeetings will be sent to all members and posted on the Website. Any member of the guild in good standing has the right to attend Guild Board meetings upon request. The President may also schedule special meetings as needed.


The presence of a majority of the members in good standing, with a minimum of five members, shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of this organization.



The election of Board members must be conducted via digital/written vote by the members. For election of Board members, the candidates will be presented to the members thirty days prior to the vote by the President. Votes will be tallied and retained for one year by the Treasurer. The President will notify the membership of the results. Newly elected board members will assume office in January.


All other voting decisions may be conducted digitally, through a written process, or hand vote of those present at a guild meeting.

All members in good standing as well as Lifetime members have voting/Board position privileges. Lifetime members are defined as members in good standing since 1990.





  • Preside over all guild Board meetings

  • Shall be a signer on checks or drafts of the organization

  • Appoint all committees as needed

  • Direct and coordinate all "inside" programs and activities of the guild.

  • Coordinates board member's responsibilities as needed

  • Send meeting notes and event reminders to guild members.

  • Send annual calendar of events to guild members.


Vice President

  • Coordinate inhouse projects for the guild.

  • Preside over any meeting at which the President is unable to be present

  • In the event of the absence or inability of the President to exercise his/her office, become acting President of the organization with all the rights, privileges and powers as if he/she had been the duly elected president and finish the term per the Board election process.



  • Maintains Guild Membership list

  • Receive all funds for the organization

  • Must be one of the Board members who shall sign checks or drafts of the organization

  • Keep up-to-date financial records

  • Make financial information available to all Guild members

  • Brings checkbook to all Guild Meetings for anyone needing reimbursement

  • Coordinates use of Guild payment options for shows/sales events by the Guild. This includes arranging for pickup/drop off/return of cash box, credit card processing equipment, balancing of cash box, credit card sales, etc., each night of the show. After a show/sales event dispersion of profits and costs to participating members selling at the event

  • Tallies/retains Board member election votes for one year after the election.


Social Media & Web Site Editor/Historian/MembershipChair

  • Shall be responsible for maintaining the Guild's website and social media pages.

  • Shall be Responsible for keeping the domain names and current.

  • Official custodian for keeping records of guild actions and minutes posted on social media.

  • Act as historian by keeping organized digital and paper copies of the guild.

  • Act as the custodian of editable copies of artwork and/or revisions of current documents.

  • Initiate the Guild Membership Application Form to the prospective member and pass the completed applications to the Treasurer.

  • Provide new members with a copy of the Guild Bylaws and a Guild Directory. Assist new members as needed with onboarding to the Guild.


Sunshine Club Coordinator

  • Sends out get-well and other cards as requested.

  • Work with the Treasurer to be reimbursed for supplies.


Outside Instructor Coordinator

  • Paid Teacher (non Guild member) Class Coordinator

  • Poll members of the guild to see which outside teachers they would like to come to teach members of the Guild

  • Connect with the desired teachers and schedule 2 -3 events per year if possible.

  • Coordinate member signup, teacher accommodations, and collecting fees (teacher fees, guest participant fees, etc.) at least one month before the class.

Show Coordinator:

  • Will be in charge of organizing the guild's participation in show(s) where guild members demonstrate the art of basket weaving and/or sell their crafts, adhering to the financial guidelines of the guild.

  • Coordinate and schedule show/sales events for the guild.

  • Show liaison between the guild and show organizers.

  • Send appropriate registration forms with fees (coordinate with Treasurer for check)

  • Communicate details to guild members, create shift coverage and setup/take down assistance.

  • Coordinate with the Treasurer for sales payment options (cards/cash/etc.)



  • These Bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to per standard guild membership quorum voting processes.

  • Any member in good standing may present a recommendation for changes to these Bylaws to the guild members.

  • Proposed amendments must be submitted to the President and Vice-President.

  • Amendments to these bylaws can be made by a majority vote of members in attendance or via absentee vote, after the proposed changes have been communicated in writing by the President 30 days prior to a vote with a minimum of one month for response.

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